The European FLUXONICS Foundry fabricates superconductor electronics circuits. For digital superconductor electronics a well-established foundry process for multiuser wafers is available. Interested users can download the design rules for our standard RSFQ1H process and for the new mixed signal process with cross-type Josephson junctions CJ2.  Also technologies for analogue superconductor electronics, e.g. SQUID can be used. The wafer fabrication is located at Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology (IPHT). For assistance of circuits design please contact the design group at University of Technology Ilmenau.

The FLUXONICS Foundry performs two wafer fabrication runs per year depending by customer requests. The chip placement finalisation is end of March and September.  

For more information send an email.

Design Rule RSFQ1H
PDF-Dokument [336.5 KB]
Design Rule CJ2 Version 1.1
PDF-Dokument [168.1 KB]
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